Minks, and Measels, and Ronkeys, Oh My!

Well, after over a month of everything in KL feeling normal and a little boring, we hit the jackpot tonight as far as strange encounters go to give me something to blog about. For any of you who thought we might have fallen off the face of the earth; we are still here. It's just that I guess after 5 or 6 months there aren't as many exciting stories to share. The following may be of entertainment to you.

If you will recall, in a previous blog post I mentioned Paul claiming he saw a giant rat with a quarter size tail in the driveway of our apartment complex. Gross, yes. Outlandish, yes. Unbelievable, not entirely. I've come to realize that things in KL are not always what you would expect. As a result, hearing Paul rant and rave about this giant rat was not entirely blown off on my part. I merely told myself, "Yeah right, this city boy never experienced chasing a possum out of the garage garbage can at 2am like some of us have." Or in my case, actually watching my parents conquer the beast while I stared out the window in my beloved footie pajamas. No, footie pj's are not part of my wardrobe anymore, although if they made them in my size there is a good possibility they would be.

Back to the story: I wrote Paul's big eyed story off as a possum and have yet to experience another sighting until tonight... (Begin playing scary slasher music here.)

We went to dinner at a friends who also lives in a complex with a long driveway. We were dropped of by a taxi much farther from the actual driveway of the complex as history reveals taxi drivers love to do, so we walked quite a ways backwards down the road the way we came, until we reached the driveway. I'd like to say I couldn't see my hand in front of my face because it was so dark because that would make the mood a little more dramatic, but I could see my hand, and I could see Paul. Still it was dark enough that we couldn't quite make out the figure moving adjacent to us in perfect harmony. To my knowlege, I've never had a stalker until tonight. (facebook stalking doesn't count. There's lots of that going around.) We were surrounded by a concrete wall on both sides of us, with only the sillouette of this thing walking the concrete wall visible as it mocked our movements. We walked, it walked. We stopped, it stopped. And it stared a surprisingly threatening stare as if to challenge us to take one step closer. We didn't of course out of fear this thing might decide to charge us, jump on our heads and chew our ears off. At least that's what was going on in my mind.

Let me preface my next statement by saying none of this is an exaggeration. While sounding a little bizzare I am not adding a single inch to my story. This thing was nothing like I've ever seen, and thanks to google images I've come to conclude I've never seen anything like it because I've never actually seen a giant genetically modified abnormally large mutated Malaysian long tailed weasel/mink in person. According to the photos I googled, we were being stalked by a mink. However, I'm not sure those even exist in Malaysia so it could have been a weasel. Not just any mink or weasel though. It was a giant whatever it was. While we were in shock and awe of this thing that was copying our every move staring us down straight through to our core with its penetrating eyes, we decided the best description was a giant genetically modified rat with the tail of a monkey. Later that night we saw a full grown cat, and for size comparison, the stalker rat monkey or ronkey was by far much larger than the cat. It had a monkey like thick tail of about two feet and a body of about equal length. Anyway, you get the point. This ronkey looking animal with a rat face and beady eyes followed us all the way to the end of the fence for a good 100 or so yards and disipeared into the night. I'm not sure where it went, but I will settle for not having my ears chewed off by a ravenous possibly rabie infested giant Malaysian ronkey mink measel. At that, Paul was extremely satisfied to prove to me his giant rat encounter from weeks ago was not just a possum. Now I wish it was in fact only a possum.

In an effort to prove he wasn't making the giant rat story up, Paul took this picture of the mamal stalker from his flash-less iPhone.

Now, an effort to show you what Paul's picture was supposed to look like, I'll post this find of a much smaller version from Google, which doesn't really do our stalker friend justice as far as size and fear instilling capabilities go.

I'm not sure if our mutated giant mink rat measel is even something to speak of considering I could be facing moose and bears and ice on my windshield in an Alaskan October for the first time like my Aunt Jill, but it will definitely keep me on the lookout. If only hunting was legal here...

1 Response to "Minks, and Measels, and Ronkeys, Oh My!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    October 10, 2010 at 4:33 AM

    Kat, you may have encountered a Nutria. I think they originated in Asia. Whatever, you and Paul were very brave. I believe I would have left Malaysia under my own steam. Mimi

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