Happy Birthday Dad!!

I missed being at my dad's 50th Birthday party yesterday. Talk about a bummer! Happy Birthday Dad from the other side of the world!

Thought you may be interested in what's keeping me busy this week. Click on the photo to enlarge.The page above (It will be folded in half, so it's really the back and front covers.)is the cover I'm working on for a 30 page informative "catalog" for the over 50 projects the UNHCR supplies grants for, which are called "self help projects". For example, they give 12,000 RM max to a refugee group who wants to start a school or a bakery or any other business that helps the refugees get on their feet and generate a form of income. This book will be a list and explanation of all these projects to better inform donors on what their money is going towards. Also, I cannot take responsibility for the pictures. They hired a photographer to take those.

UNHCR has asked me to do the layout and design work for the book, which if all goes well, will go to print Friday. They will print out about 400 copies to give to anyone who might be a donor like foreign dignitaries, faith based organizations, and individual supporters. So far I've completed about 5 other pages, so I've still got a ways to go! My photoshop skills were a little rusty, but I think I'm getting back into the swing of things. So, from now until Friday night probably, if none of you hear from me it's not because I was killed in the riot going on outside my hotel, it's just because I've gone into my bat cave to get this project finished. (just kidding mom! no riot. Only protesting)

I had a little break from the catalog this morning to meet two expat women for coffee. One grew up in Houston but was born in Hong Kong, and the other grew up in Pennsylvania and lived in Atlanta for a few years. Both were very nice and they tried to warn me about all the things I will never get used to like rude taxi drivers, high priced American clothing, and no Target anywhere from here to Australia. But, they did say I could find one in Perth if I wanted. I think if I go to Perth I will be searching for the beach, not Target. I think I could do coffee with them again sometime, or I thought I could. That was until I realized that when I left before them and they stayed at the restaurant, I walked away with my empty cup sitting on the table and left them no money to pay my part of the bill! They may not be having coffee with me again.

I have never ever left anyone with the bill or expected them to pay, except for Paul of course, and I hadn't planned on starting that habit with these new acquaintances of mine. I'm not even sure how I forgot. I'd like to blame it on the inattentive waitress, but I think I can regretfully say it was just one of those days. You know, one of those days when you just are not really sure where your head is? I can't even blame this on a moving to KL adjustment.

So, I called to apologize and I was so embarrassed. I guess coffee is on me next time!

I was able to experience the awful bumper to bumper traffic jam yesterday on the way back from the UNHCR. The mosque that is next door to our building and the American Embassy, which is across the street, had protesters chanting and waving flags, causing a big to do about the Israel flotilla attack. Traffic was backed up several blocks, and as a result the Taxi driver took me through the back roads to the hotel, so I have no pictures to show for the protesting.

So, last night went to sleep at midnight to the sound of protesters chanting. It wasn't exactly as soothing as a lullaby. Things are much quieter today. Oh, and if anyone is wondering since I never give an update on Paul, he's doing well. He is enjoying KL, working pretty hard, and swimming occasionally. In July his boss is going on a 3 week holiday and said Paul will be in charge. Uh oh!
Till Friday!

2 Response to "Happy Birthday Dad!!"

  1. Bill and Sandy Byrd says:
    June 3, 2010 at 1:43 AM

    Lock your door.


  2. Bill and Sandy Byrd says:
    June 3, 2010 at 1:46 AM

    PS. Great job on the layout! Please send a photo of the protest.

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